Two Paths


1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers. 2 But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law. 3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper. 4 But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. 5 They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. 6 For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. (Psalm 1 NLT)

With God, there is always the opportunity to make choices. In this Psalm, we see this so clearly: the path of the wicked and the path of the godly. The path of the wicked will lead to destruction. The path of the godly leads to fruit bearing, prosperity, and delight in doing what the Lord wants. We always have choices before us, and they can lead down the path of destruction or the path of the godly. When we come to those times of choice in our lives, it is important to take the time to consider what the results of the choice would be. Even as I write this, I can think of choices we have made: difficult choices that have led us down the right path. It is not always the easier path that we need to choose.

Father, I thank You that You do give Your children the right, and the ability, to choose the path to take. It is certainly harder than if You made all the choices for us, but then we would never grow and mature. I do ask that You give us wisdom as we are faced with choices. I love You, and Your ways. AMEN

May You be pleased, Lord, as I rejoice and think about all that You have made, and all that You do. I do praise You always. Psalm 104
