Not My Will
41 He walked away, about a stone’s throw, and knelt down and prayed, 42 “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine.” (Luke 22:41-42 NLT)
Even when it came right down to the end, Jesus showed us His humanity in that He asked God to take the suffering He knew He was about to face away from Him. But He then went on to say, “yet I want Your will, not mine”. It can be very easy when we are faced with a crisis to try to make sense of it with human reasoning, rather than trusting God to give us strength and wisdom to face whatever is before us. I think of this scripture often, and wonder if I will be able to say with Jesus, “yet I want Your will, not mine”. If I take the time to reflect, I know that I do want God’s will more than mine, because He has always proved so faithful in our lives with what was His will for us.
Lord, today I say once again, “yet I want Your will, not mine”. I look forward to experiencing Your will for us in the days ahead, and seeing what adventure is next. You are good and faithful, and I love You. AMEN
I know that You will answer my prayers, O Lord, for Your unfailing love is wonderful and Your mercy is so plentiful. Psalm 69