Listening Heart

Scripture: 8 Yet some of the seed fell into good, fertile soil, and it grew and flourished until it produced more than a hundredfold harvest, a bumper crop.” Then Jesus added, shouting out to all who would hear, “Listen with your heart and you will understand.” 9 Later his disciples came to Jesus and asked him privately what deeper meaning was found in this parable. 10 He said, “You have been given a teachable heart to perceive the secret, hidden mysteries of God’s kingdom realm. But to those who don’t have a listening heart, my words are merely stories. Even though they have eyes, they are blind to the true meaning of what I say, and even though they listen, they won’t receive full revelation.” 18 So pay careful attention to your hearts as you hear my teaching, for to those who have open hearts, even more revelation will be given to them until it overflows. And for those who do not listen with open hearts what little light they imagine to have will be taken away.” (Luke 8:8-10, 18 The Passion) To have a listening, open heart to the words of Jesus is so important as we walk this walk of faith. If we are listening to a message, or reading from the Bible, or even listening to a story/testimony, and feel as though we already know all that it means or the way it should be taught/said, we may very well miss what is there for us. More and more revelation and understanding is available to us if we have listening, open hearts. Thank You, Father, for this reminder this morning. I want to have more and more of a listening, open heart to your words and ways. AMEN In my God alone is my safe and secure place. He’s the one who gives me strength. He’s my shelter of love and my fortress of faith. He wraps himself around me and I love Him. Psalm 144