If You Say So


4 After speaking for a while, Jesus speaks to Simon. Jesus: “Move out into deeper water, and drop your nets to see what you’ll catch.” Simon (perplexed) : 5 “Master, we’ve been fishing all night, we haven’t caught even a minnow. But . . . all right, I’ll do it if You say so.” (Luke 5:4-5 The Voice)
How many of us who are parents have said to our children when they question something we’ve told them to do, “because I said so”? Peter, at this point, did not understand why Jesus was so sure there would be fish where there had been none, but still he said, “all right, I’ll do it if You say so.” Am I ready, are you ready, to do the things God asks us to do even when we don’t understand what it is all about, what will happen? Lord, I want to be ready to say to You when you ask something of me, “all right, I’ll do it if You say so.” I want my trust and obedience to be real. AMEN As for You, God, Your ways are perfect. All of Your promises prove true. You are a shield to me as I look to You for protection. Psalm 18