I Do Believe
35 Jesus heard what had happened and sought out the man. Jesus: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Formerly Blind Man: 36 “I want to believe, Lord. Who is He?” Jesus: 37 “You have seen His face with your new eyes , and you are talking to Him now.” Formerly Blind Man: 38 “Lord, I do believe.” The man bowed low to worship Jesus. (John 9:35-38 The Voice)
Two different ways of looking at the situation of a blind man receiving his sight. The Pharisees only had questions and their reasoning that it could not be a miracle from God. They were really the ones that were blind. The blind man did what Jesus told him to do, and he received his sight. When Jesus then asked him if he wanted to believe in the Son of Man, he said yes, “Lord, I do believe.”.
Father, I want my response to You to always be, “Lord, I do believe.”. AMEN
As for God, His way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. Psalm 18