A Mother’s Heart

Scripture: 17 Upon seeing this miraculous sign, the shepherds recounted what had just happened. 18 Everyone who heard the shepherds’ story was astonished by what they were told. 19 But Mary treasured all these things in her heart and often pondered what they meant. 50 Mary and Joseph didn’t fully understand what Jesus meant. 51 Jesus went with them back home to Nazareth and was obedient to them. His mother treasured Jesus’ words deeply in her heart. 52 As Jesus grew, so did his wisdom and maturity. The favor of men increased upon his life, for he was loved greatly by God. (Luke 2:17-19, 50-52 The Passion) Mary had to believe when she was first told by the angel, Gabriel, that she was to give birth to the Savior. But then she had to keep believing as well. He was her son, and so she had a mother’s heart and concerns and questions. With each encounter and incident that occurred she had to remember and believe once more. Questions and concerns must have been with her as His life continued to unfold. A mother’s heart cares so much for her children and their wellbeing. Father, the truth about Mary as the mother of my Savior always touches this mother’s heart. Thank You for her willingness to believe. Help me to always believe for the best for my children and grandchildren. AMEN Lord God, thank You for the promises of Your Word and the fame of Your Name. Thank You that I experience Your tender love and Your living truth. Psalm 138