A Little Yeast

Scripture: 6 Your proud boasting in this matter is terrible. Don’t you understand that the tiniest infraction can bring about an unwelcome chain of events? That just a little yeast causes all the dough to rise? 7 Get rid of all the old yeast; then you’ll become new dough, just as you are already a people without sin’s leavening influence. You see, the Anointed One is our Passover lamb; He has been sacrificed for us. 8 So let the real feast begin. Get rid of all the old yeast, the yeast of hatred and evil. Throw it out so we can feast on the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. (1 Corinthians 5:6-8 The Voice) Actual yeast is an amazing thing! It does not take a lot to do the job. In this scripture, Paul is saying that the old yeast of hatred and evil will do its work if it is not taken out. If it is taken out, it needs to be replaced with sincerity and truth. It can so easy to let the yeast of sin slip into our lives, our community. And if it does slip in, it will do its work, and that is not good. Father, please help me watch my ways and to not let the yeast of sin to slip in. I want to live my life with sincerity and truth. Thank You for being with me, and for guiding and helping me. AMEN How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! As I delight in You, Lord, I will ponder them. You are so gracious and merciful! Thank You. Psalm 111