Peace That Subdues – Fruit of the Spirit Part 5

Scripture: Galatians 5:16-26 (Click Link) 22 But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, 23 gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless. (Galatians 5:22-23 TPT) The peace that the Holy Spirit grows in us is real peace! It’s peace in anxious situations, it’s peace that keeps us from freaking out in times of uncertainty and stress. It’s peace that helps us worry less and trust more! (GraceNotes devotionals on the peace Jesus gives.) But there’s much more to this very tasty and nourishing Fruit of the Spirit. This is what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 5:9 when he said, “How blessed you are when you make peace! For then you will be recognized as a true child of God.” (Matthew 5:9 TPT) Peacemaking is an element of God’s grace that’s in very short supply.
• Peacemakers are desperately needed, hard to find, and unfortunately seldom very much appreciated.
• Peacemakers aren’t focused on who’s right or wrong but on helping people step across the lines they’ve drawn in the sand and talking with each other.
• Peacemakers realize God loves the people on both sides of every divisive issue and God wants the people on both sides of issues that they think are very black and white and very “either-or”, to realize that they must listen to what their opponents have to say.

It’s hard to be a peacemaker if you despise another person or group.
When we think of others as “less” it stops us from being able to approach them with humility and honor. I gotta be honest with you, as the level of respectful discourse decays, and as people keep doing and saying “despicable” things, it gets beyond human ability to think, speak, and act as peacemakers. It’s truly a Holy Spirit thing, friends! To be peacemakers requires God’s love in us to love enough, it takes the Holy Spirit’s prompting and grace to make us willing to step across the line in the sand, and it takes our will surrendered to the will of the one who gave himself in humility for both us and the “other”! Prayer: Father, I want to be a peacemaker, but I can’t do it in my own strength. Please grow the fruit of peace in my mind and heart and will. In Jesus’ Name!
