It Seemed Good

Scripture: Acts 15

“For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay no greater burden on you than these few requirements…”  (Acts 15:28 NLT)

An issue arose in the Antioch church over whether salvation was by law-keeping or by grace alone. The matter was taken to the apostles and elders of the Jerusalem church for input. Arguments were presented, Peter spoke from his experience, Paul and Barnabas told what God was doing among the Gentiles, and finally, Jesus’ brother James, the presiding elder, summed things up with a decision that balanced both grace and law with the weight given to grace. This decision was recorded in a letter which was hand-carried to the Gentile believers by two elder-prophets of the Jerusalem team.

How differently decisions were made for Israel in the wilderness under Moses’ leadership and for the church in Jerusalem as the gospel spread to the Gentile world! Throughout Exodus and Leviticus, decisions were made and policies were set “As the Lord commanded Moses,” and “As Moses commanded.”  In the Jerusalem council, a doctrine was established for all time that Gentile believers in Christ were not required to be circumcised or keep to Jewish law. This decision was based on a thorough discussion of all viewpoints, leading to a decision based on “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.”

I think we’ll always be wrestling with the tension between grace and law. I think we’ll always be trying to learn and understand how important decisions are best made. Sometimes we’ll have the benefit of “As the Lord commanded,”. Sometimes we’ll present the arguments, share our viewpoints, tell the stories, and then conclude that “it seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us.”

Right policies, procedures, and operational decisions require these things: 1) Clarity on what God has said; 2) Kingdom of God values; 3) Clear and open communication; 4) Telling the God stories; 5) Allowing the Holy Spirit to speak into the situation; 6) Wisdom to sum up clearly; and 7) Willingness to go with what “seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us.”


Father, Please grow us and guide us as we live our lives in the tension between “The Lord commanded,” and “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” Help us not to take short-cuts simply to “get the job done,” and help us to never ever settle for less than your leading and guidance.  Amen.