In The Details

Reading:  2 Corinthians 6; Psalm 17

Our work as God’s servants gets validated—or not—in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly…in hard times, tough times, bad times; (2 Corinthians 6:4 MSG)

It’s not merely big ideas, plans and schemes, enthusiasm and ambition that validates one’s work and achievement. It’s staying with it through good times and bad, giving it your very best in every situation, and finishing the work.

I’m a generalist.  I’m interested in, and curious about, a lot of things. The downside of being a generalist is that I tend to get involved in too many things. Then I find that I need lengthy and detailed lists to keep track of all my involvements. Then I get too busy to look at my lists!

There’s also the pressure of the urgent that often distracts me from the important. This combination of multiple interests and over-commitment of my time sometimes leads to unfinished projects, great ideas that never really get off the ground, and assignments left uncompleted because I accept the assignment but then my attention gets pulled away to something else. I’m learning to do better!

Paul said our work is validated – or not – in the details. This is one more voice speaking to me out of the chorus of voices God is using to help me do better: “Do a few things and do them well!”


Father, Today you reminded me that my work as your servant is validated or not in the details. I am in a season in which you are working to change me (I think I’ve always been in seasons in which you are working to change me!). I know you want me to do fewer things and do them better. I don’t always know the best way to make the changes you are pressing me to make. I am willing to learn, to change, to do what you want me to do. This morning I offer myself to you again, to be taught, trained, and changed. But please be gentle with me! Amen.