Your Faith Foundation – Godly Life Part 4

Scripture:  2 Peter 1:3-11 TPT; Luke 6:46-49 TPT (Click Link)

5 So devote yourselves to lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness, and to goodness add understanding, 6 and to understanding add the strength of self-control, and to self-control add patient endurance, and to patient endurance add godliness, 7 and to godliness add mercy toward your brothers and sisters, and to mercy toward others add unending love. (2 Peter 1:5-7 TPT)

We’re going to unpack what Peter had to say about building and living a Godly Life, so let’s start with the foundation. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have—Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11). Our faith foundation is Jesus Christ. Here’s what Jesus said about the nature of faith and the practice of building on our Faith Foundation: 47 I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. 48 It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. (Luke 6:47-48 NLT) Come to Jesus, listen to his teaching, then simply do it!

  • Faith is not merely holding the traditions you inherited from your culture and your religious upbringing. Faith is not merely having a biblically correct doctrinal statement. Jesus was rejected and opposed by the people who were most committed to the traditional beliefs, practices, and prejudices of their religion. Faith is not even merely what we believe, friends!
  • Faith grows out of what we believe and what we believe grows out of what we are taught. But it’s not faith until we are putting it into practice, in our relationship with God, and with the people who live with us and around us. The foundation of our faith is laid in the truth of the scriptures: The truth of who God is, the truth of who we are without Christ and who we become in Christ, the truth of actually putting into practice what Jesus taught. It’s faith when we do it!
  • Faith is not doing what you’ve always done, thinking what you’ve always thought, saying what you’ve always said, or believing what you’ve always believed! Faith is responding to the thing Jesus is saying right now! Ask Jesus what his message is for you right now, in this season of your life! Ask Jesus what he wants you to do next to build on your faith foundation. And then do it!


Father, We believe the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please send your Spirit into our hearts to instruct us what we should do next to follow Jesus’ commands and to live a Godly life. We believe, we receive, we respond. In Jesus’ Name!