Magnificent Promises – Godly Life 2

Scripture:  2 Peter 1:3-11 TPT (Click Link)

4 As a result of this, he has given you magnificent promises that are beyond all price, so that through the power of these tremendous promises you can experience partnership with the divine nature, by which you have escaped the corrupt desires that are of the world. (2 Peter 1:4 TPT)

This brings me back to something we saw recently in the Galatians series when we talked about the two natures within us. We were born with a human nature, a carnal nature, a sin-inclined nature already in us. And we were born again with a divine nature, a spirit nature, a love-inclined nature deposited in us. We’ve had a lifetime of being motivated by the carnal nature, the flesh nature, the sin nature. Now we’re just getting started with the divine nature, the spirit nature. Functionally, the old nature has the advantage over the new nature. We have ingrained habit patterns, we’ve invested heavily in the self-centered desires and motivations of that old nature, so there’s some carnal momentum already established.

But the new nature has been deposited in us by God’s divine power! It’s there, it’s alive, and it’s potentially way more powerful than the old nature, which is powered merely by human desires and habits! Since we’re not used to partnering with the divine nature, there’ll be some conflicts. We’ll tend to keep on doing some of the “old nature” things, but honestly friends, we won’t enjoy them as much. They won’t be as satisfying, and they won’t scratch the itch like they used to. When we committed to a life of devotion to God (to living a Godly Life) we began partnering with the new nature, the spirit nature. Now there is joy rather than fun, deep satisfaction rather than shallow pleasure. Each time we partner with the new divine nature, it grows stronger and the old carnal nature grows weaker.

And how long does it take? How long before we begin to notice a significant transformation from old to new, carnal to spirit, human to divine? It doesn’t take long at all! The joy of partnering with the divine nature is better than any pleasure the old selfish nature offered and with every response it gets sweeter! But it’s gonna take a lifetime to fully live this out, so let’s get started today!


Father, Thanks for the divine nature you put in us when we were born again as your beloved sons and daughters! Help us to be clear in our commitment and faithful in our practice to partner with the divine nature. May we increasingly live Godly Lives of devotion to you and your kingdom! In Jesus’ Name!