If You Do These Things – Godly Life Part 13

Scripture: 2 Peter 1:3-11 TPT

10 For this reason, beloved ones, be eager to confirm and validate that God has invited you to salvation and claimed you as his own. If you do these things, you will never stumble. 11 As a result, the kingdom’s gates will open wide to you as God choreographs your triumphant entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah. (2 Peter 1:10-11 TPT)

Friends, there’s a tension between what God does for us and in us and what we do with what he’s invested in our lives. We addressed that when we were working our way through Galatians a few weeks back. I re-addressed it yesterday when I wrote about the virtues God’s Holy Spirit planted deep within us when we were born again into God’s wonderful family.

What is God’s part of the equation? God does everything that we can’t do. God gives us a new nature through a new birth. The new nature is the source of divine power to become like Jesus and to partner with God in his purpose. God has planted these virtues deep within us and they are constantly available to us. God will not force us to activate these virtues by faith, but why wouldn’t we?

What is our part of the equation? We thankfully receive all that God has given us. We receive it by faith, and not by our own efforts or goodness or strength. We recognize that we have a lifetime behind us of living out of the promptings, desires, and temptations of yielding to the old nature. Having recognized that, we determine to activate the new nature virtues God placed within us.

We make different choices than we used to make. We begin to value different things than we used to value. When we’re weighing the decision of how we respond, how we choose, we choose to respond to the promptings of the new nature God has placed within us. Every time we choose God’s way, the old nature becomes weaker. Every time we choose God’s way, the new nature becomes stronger.

That’s our part of the equation, and it’s not going to be easy! That’s why Peter said, “Devote yourselves to these things. Make every effort to activate the virtues of your new nature!” It’s “If we do these things” that we’ll never stumble!


Father, We determine from this day forward that we will devote ourselves to activation the virtues of the divine nature you have planted deep within us! By your grace! Amen.