Finish What You Started

Reading: 2 Corinthians 8; Psalm 24

10 Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago. Last year you were the first who wanted to give, and you were the first to begin doing it. 11 Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have.  (2 Corinthians 8:10–11 NLT)

OK, friends, for some reason this really resonates with me today (on more than one level!). The Corinthians had been so moved when they heard of the hardships the Christians in Jerusalem were going through that they said, “Let’s help them! We’ll take a collection, and when Paul and his friends come through Corinth on their way to Jerusalem, we’ll send so much money they’ll have to get a cart to haul it in!”

Then they got busy being themselves and dealing with life and pretty much let things slide. Other churches had caught the Corinthians’ initial enthusiasm and had given very generously. Now, as the collection time drew near, Paul sent them this note challenging them to finish what they had started!

I get stirred up about lots of things. When I am stirred—with compassion, with enthusiasm, with imagination, with grand ideas—it’s so easy to say, “OK! I’m going to do this or that! I’m starting right now! This is going to be really great!” But, in fact, life goes on and life stays pretty busy. Gradually, the passion cools and the grand ideas fade into the shadows! That ever happen to you?

Anyhow, today I’m committing to “Finish What I Started” in a couple of areas. How about you? Got some unfinished business? Got some projects that stirred you strongly and moved you deeply that have since fallen by the wayside?

If this speaks to you as it has to me, how about identifying for yourself one or two “Started But Not Finished” projects and commit with me to Finish What You Started? Let’s do it!


Father, Please help my friends and me to take Paul’s advice and respond to the Spirit’s prompting and Finish What We Started. We commit and purpose to do this. Please help us carry it through! For the Kingdom’s sake! Amen!