Coming Soon

Matthew 3; Psalm 4 “I baptize with water those who turn from their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is far greater than I am—so much greater that I am not even worthy to be his slave. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.” (Matt 3:11 NLT) John the Baptist understood his calling and his role in God’s Kingdom plan. Understanding our part and recognizing and affirming those who will carry the work on after us is so important! You know, it’s easier to imagine the world existing before we came along than to imagine the world continuing after we’re gone! A few years ago I had the privilege of observing and participating in a leadership transition in the church I’ve been part of since returning to the US. The lead pastor, after leading the church to grow and flourish for more than 25 years, initiated a transition of the lead pastor role to a much younger man. I saw such integrity and honesty on the part of both leaders, affirming, respecting, and honoring each other before, during, and after the actual transition of role and responsibility! Either of them could have undermined and weakened the process and damaged the church. Neither of them did. I’m not comparing these two pastoral leaders to John and Jesus, but I am saying that the same quality of future awareness and Kingdom values was present in each of them as they transitioned wisely and well. Years after the transition, the church is healthy, filled with a fresh sense of mission, and growing stronger. What are you doing to identify, develop, and honor the next generation of leaders in your world of work and service? Is it time to start the process? Prayer: Father, Please give my friends and me an awareness of life after us! Fill us with a spirit of confidence and grace to live in a manner that says, “Someone is coming soon who will take the message and the mission into the next generation.” Amen!
