God’s Beloved Children
When we are finally able to see what we will be we’ll see a stunning reflection of Jesus!
When we are finally able to see what we will be we’ll see a stunning reflection of Jesus!
The key is keeping our hearts right, staying in fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit and holding to the truth.
John said: Keep the Message of Life burning in your hearts – the clear, simple, hope-filled message you heard from the beginning
Generations of candidates for the position of The Antichrist have come and gone, dead and buried, passed from the scene.
Why is it alright for God to love the world and not for us to love the world?
The most important thing in the “Dear Children” season of your life of faith is to get to know your Father intimately.
Then Jesus said, “I have a New Commandment for you! Love each other as I have loved you.”
This “how can I be sure” question is different. It’s about being sure I really know God.
God loved the world so much that he sent his Son to be the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
Key words in today’s reading: Sin, truth, light, faithful, forgive, cleanse.