Thanks for Everything – Gratitude Pt 5
Keeping your Thankfulness Tank full and overflowing doesn’t depend on your circumstances.
A daily devotional by Jim Stephens.
Keeping your Thankfulness Tank full and overflowing doesn’t depend on your circumstances.
Be patient, friends, your Thanks Tank will overflow!
We can be thankful with an “un-circumstantial” gratitude for his steadfast love and his unfailing faithfulness.
God is good, loving, and faithful to you and me right now, right here!
Thinking thankful thoughts can change our attitude from sadness to thankfulness!
That we will be in the world as Jesus was in the world—to love, seek, serve, sacrifice, and save.
What is your “Each Day” pattern and practice?
Sometimes it’s words, sometimes it’s listening, sometimes it’s offering a suggestion, sometimes it’s asking a question.
Look for the Grace in people and in situations and when you see it, Encourage it!
Will you begin to develop the practice of reaching out in loving, encouraging ways to people God brings to mind? Let’s do it!