Good News Spreading
How easy it is to get caught up in the details of a part of the story and lose sight of the main thing!
A daily devotional by Jim Stephens.
How easy it is to get caught up in the details of a part of the story and lose sight of the main thing!
When hard experiences come my way, I must continue to think, speak, and act in faith…
I want God’s Truth to be my Truth!
What might we all have missed if one man, Barnabas the Encourager, hadn’t taken him under his wing and given him a second chance?
Yea for Ordinary People like us who act in love and faith!
If I don’t respond promptly and obediently to the direction of the Holy Spirit for my life, I may either miss the blessing of fulfillment or else he’ll have to turn up the heat to get me moving!
This Is Moses, The Same Man!
This morning I noticed Nicolas of Antioch and I thought of something about him I admire!
It’s all about my heart! That’s what really matters!
We don’t feel our way into new patterns of living, we live our way into new patterns of feeling!