Each Will Be A Blessing

Scripture: Romans 1

11 For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. 12 When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.  In this way, each of us will be a blessing to the other…14 For I have a great sense of obligation to people in our culture and to people in other cultures, to the educated and uneducated alike. (Romans 1: 11-12, 14 NLT)

Saul of Tarsus met Jesus Christ, and in the encounter, Jesus changed his heart, his mind, and his passion. Later God changed his name to Paul and he became a missionary. God gave Saul special revelation about his purpose for him and about his purpose in and through the Church. Paul soon understood that God had called him to be his messenger to the nations and had specially gifted him to share what he had with people of other cultures.

When Paul encountered the people of a new city, a new nation, or another cultural group, it was always a mutual blessing. He brought them the gift of God’s Good News and through his interactions with them, Paul received the gift of learning how the Good News worked in a new culture and setting. It was thrilling for Paul and salvation for those to whom God sent him. And it gave us much of our New Testament! So we all win!

I’m deeply convinced that it’s important for each of us to have a solid foundation of knowing what Jesus taught us and responding to his teachings in obedient faith (See Luke 6:46-49). But our commission to those who are outside the community of faith (and to those who are inside as well) is to tell the stories of our journey of faith and of our experiences with the risen Christ along the way. When we do that, each of us will be a blessing to each other!

Let’s be story-telling, gift sharing people! Let’s mix a large portion of listening with a slightly smaller portion of telling so each of us will be a blessing to others! Tell your story, share your gift, and receive a blessing in return.


Father, Please help me to remember that I have a story to tell everyone with whom I engage at a more than casual level. Help me and my friends to remember that you intend for our interactions with others to be a source of mutual blessings. Gifts to share and gifts to receive—each of us a blessing to the others. For your Kingdom’s sake, Amen!