Love’s Full Expression
The full expression of God is the full expression of love!
The full expression of God is the full expression of love!
Every time we do something better than our selfish selves we know more clearly that the God who is love is living inside us!
When we receive his love, it becomes our love, and it starts to flow from us to others.
We are of the Truth, and lies and deceit have no place in us. Let’s keep it that way!
Don’t trust every spirit, but carefully examine what they say to determine whether they are of God.
By our Beautiful Intentions, we continue to do what brings pleasure to our Father.
Love Does What It Can!
Friends, don’t give up, don’t give out, and don’t give in!
Let’s look with wonder at who we are, and with swelling hope at what we are becoming.
Let’s look with wonder at who we are, and with swelling hope at what we are becoming.