The Counselor
Promise Fulfilled: Suddenly one morning about 9 AM God sent the Holy Spirit,
Promise Fulfilled: Suddenly one morning about 9 AM God sent the Holy Spirit,
The stuff Jesus was saying was so difficult for his disciples!
Jesus didn’t promise us an organization to grow the Kingdom and to fill the world with his grace and truth.
We’re only authorized to ask for what Jesus wants done!
If you have an image of God that doesn’t look like Jesus, it’s not God!
There’s no set of rules that can get us to the Father.
We’re dealing with a very real “here and now” friends, but we’re also dealing with an even more real “there and then”!
We can be very poor judges of what we’re actually ready for!
The legitimacy of our faith is not determined by correct doctrine, but by loving other Christians as Jesus loves us.
This makes me think about seasons, about change, and about endings.