What about Him?
Why waste time, energy, or opportunity by comparing myself and my situation with others and their situations?
Why waste time, energy, or opportunity by comparing myself and my situation with others and their situations?
Is forgiving other people’s sins the most God-honoring, Jesus-like thing I can do?
Can we be so free of the instinct to achieve for ourselves that when we have completed the assignment God has given, we simply stop?
No matter how well we think we know a person or know a person’s story, there’s a lot we don’t know.
There’s God’s part of bringing unity and there’s my part of bringing unity.
What God has planned for you is best for you!
“Knowing” and “doing” are easier to measure than “being,”
In a world filled with uncertainties, Jesus offers the gift of peace – peace of mind and heart.
Jesus loved them when they “got it” and when they missed it.
Here we go again! The disciples missed something important!