Just Like You
Will you commit, along with me, to make the most of our opportunity, and to fulfill our responsibility, to be servants of God in our generation?
Will you commit, along with me, to make the most of our opportunity, and to fulfill our responsibility, to be servants of God in our generation?
I think that which world someone belongs to is determined largely by what one chooses to value.
Someone really does know how it all turns out!
You and I need to know that Jesus told the truth, that he didn’t die in vain, that light overcomes darkness, and that Good triumphs over evil.
I know Father God loves me.
John, thanks for the Soul-Health check-up. Friends, how’s your Soul-Health?
God’s greatest gift was a demonstration of real love
Why waste time, energy, or opportunity by comparing myself and my situation with others?
No matter how well we think we know a person or know a person’s story, there’s a lot we don’t know.
The life Jesus lived perfectly fulfilled all the prophecies in all the scriptures written centuries earlier about him.